Update: Photos and a report from the downtown tea party are posted here.
I have a question for you:
Is it “Taxation Without Representation” if your elected “representatives” vote on a $500 Billion tax bill without even reading it?

If you think so, then the time has come to throw another tea party. When in colonial America, the British “representative” government (Parliament did, after all, claim to represent all British citizens… including the colonists) tried to ramrod the monopolistic East India Company’s tea down the throats of the colonies against their wishes, without consulting them, and while outlawing “free market tea,” the colonists famously dumped the tea in Boston harbor.
There’s no practical way to dump what’s being shoved down our throats anywhere — it’s too freaking much!
So… in a symbolic act, you are invited to join us for the Sarasota Tea Party (or the Lakewood Ranch Tea Party, if you prefer) on a fabulously symbolic day: April 15th.
What better way to spend tax day?
Here’s the skinny:
Sarasota Tea Party
- Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 at Noon
- Marina Jack on Sarasota Bay near Downtown. (In fact, the group will gather at the Unconditional Surrender statue, which is either more symbolic or more ironic… I’m not sure which.)
- You are encouraged to dress creatively (i.e. to appropriately attract attention).
- Bring signs.
- Bring tea bags. Lots of tea bags.
- Prepare to be photographed and be interviewed. Do us a favor… read up on the current events, the history of the tea party, or anything else you may talk about on camera.
- Do us another favor: spell-check your sign(s). We really don’t need to look stupid on TV or in the media.
Lakewood Ranch Tea Party
- Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 from 3pm – 7pm. (Nice if you want to come hang out after work.)
- Ed’s Tavern on Main Street in Lakewood Ranch.
- You are encouraged to dress creatively (i.e. to appropriately attract attention).
- Bring signs.
- Bring tea bags. Lots of tea bags.
- Prepare to be photographed and be interviewed. Do us a favor… read up on the current events, the history of the tea party, or anything else you may talk about on camera.
- Do us another favor: spell-check your sign(s). We really don’t need to look stupid on TV or in the media.
Not from around here? Here’s one good place to check for a location near you.
This information is subject to change. And, since I like a good discussion, do me a favor:
Leave a comment below with your biggest current hot-button that motivates you to join us for the Tea Party. Be sure to check the box that says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.” That way, you’ll hear from some of the other folks who might be joining us… and, I’ll be able to leave a comment if anything changes… which of course means that you’ll be notified.
Incidentally, I have no affiliation with this company (for the record), but here’s some great Tax Day Tea Party Apparel (think “Don’t Tread on Me”).
See you there!
Who is not effected by this massive spending plan? At some point there are things we simply cannot afford from our government, like buying the Everglades (a Florida thing). Waste, that’s what motivates me, along with, ultimately, the desire for freedom!
As Glenn Beck would say… what’s coming out of Washington …makes my head want to explode… we have
to stand up for the REAL AMERICA
glad to be a part of an important happening in our history
I appreciate your passion, @Jane & @Lynn! Looking forward to seeing you at the Tea Party!
Well said, David, and thanks for the information. It’s important for each of us to let our friends know that we care about this Country. Pass the word that we are going and perhaps they will come with us. If not, at least we let then know we cared. If we want to make a change way up in Washington (or Tallahassee), we have to start down here, street level, and in our home towns. We need to make time, to make a difference.
See you at “Unconditional Surrender” on 4/15/09, Noon.
What more appropriate a site than “Unconditional Surrender” to protest our own ‘tea party’ Until our self-serving government representatives finally surrender to the will of the people, this battle will not end. They must understand that without their reckless spending and irresponsible bailouts and pork projects, their would be no need for their excessive borrowing and burdensome taxes we endure. Don’t tread on me.
Thanks, @Charlie and @Chet, for joining the discussion!
If traffic coming in from search engines is any indicator, tomorrow is shaping up to have good participation. As far as I know, it’s a rain or shine event, so hopefully today’s rain will have disappeared by then.
See you tomorrow!
I’m hoping to make it out there after work Dave. I’ve never had such a difficult time in my willingness to pay taxes. To have the government wastefully spend over $1 Trillion on something that most of those voting could not even tell what was all included does not exactly give me confidence in giving them my hard earned money. I recognize that government will always spend on programs and situations that I do not agree with, but this is outrageous.
There, I have now commented on something of yours without being called out on it in the writing. See, it’s really not that hard Dave 😉 Are you going to be there tonight??
@Dave… I’m in shock! Great to hear from you… not sure about my schedule for tonight, but I’m definitely going to try.
@Jason, I’ve wondered the same thing about the downtown tea party. I’ll try to post a follow-up comment from my phone as soon as I can find out. Hope to see you there!
Can someone please confirm the Sarasota Bay Tea Party is from 12:00 to when.
I have people who will be later than they would like, but want to make sure it will go on beyond 2pm.
Thanks so much,
Great thank you. I just did a search on the internet and I am coming up with 12pm to 2pm for the Sarasota Bay Tea Party.
Somehow I have been posted as an organizer for both. I guess I filled out something by mistake.
The nice thing is that I have been able to inform at least 20 people as a result.
Consequently I have a really good feeling the turnout for both will be good.
I am leaving now for the Sarasota Bay Tea Party.
Good Luck To All Of Us And Our Nation On This Day!!!
It is nice to see Americans being Americans again and focusing “TOGETHER” on a common “GOOD”!
“Don’t vote if you won’t READ!”
“Don’t SPEND if you can’t EARN!”
Sarasota can show Boston how to throw a REAL TEA Party! Make sure Vern Buchanan has the right marching orders when he returns to DC! Politicians without money are powerless…………..it’s their biggest sledgehammer. Vote to control and take it back! Term limits, congressional pay raises by citizen voting, let’s control our own assets!
Heading to Marina Jack’s now with enough tea to be a Lipton Distributor.
Scott & Shauna Grier
Am @ Sarasota’s Tea Party with several hundred others. If you’re thinking about coming, there will still be people here after 2pm.
Bring your signs!
I tried to go but there was no parking anywhere on the bayside. I will try the Lakewood Ranch event.
On 2nd thought… things are thinning out pretty quickly now. May be best to head to LWR @ 3pm….
wish to join up with the sarasota we surround them/ the 912 project but didnt see a way to do so.
will be attending the tea party at ed’s main street tavern today
my biggest fear is that some people dont understand that debt, and national debt in particular, is the worst form of servitude for those of us who have to repay it. i think congress knows this but doesn’t care. its time we force them to listen to us.
they work for us. we pay them. we need to write their reviews and fire those who prefer to work for special interests, political goals, re-election before what is best for our country, state, district.
i hope millions of people turn out all over America for the tea parties today
Just got back to my office after the downtown Sarasota Tea Party. There were still several dozen people there when I left just before 2pm.
I took lots of photos… will let you know when I get them posted!
There should be a great crowd in Lakewood Ranch… hope to see you there!
Thanks again to everyone for participating here on the site and at the tea parties!
It’s official! My pics are posted here.
Myself and about 10 others from neighboring Hardee County rode over to the Lakewood Ranch tea party. We were all proud to see the large turn out (I estimate 500). More so than protesting the taxing and spending, we were protesting the intrusion of government into our daily lives and the power grab by the government.
On the 12th of September please let me know what time will it be held? I am looking to be at the one in Lakewood Ranch or for Sarasota/Bradenton
Any other tea parties planned to stop this health care plan?
I have a question for you:Is it
The Tea Party has links to The Council of Conservative Citizens & Occidental Dissent: both are hate groups according to The Southern Poverty Law Center. The Tea Party is nothing more than wealthy americans using racists and white supremacists to push their agenda. I will expose you!