Comments on: Steve Rinehart: Sarasota’s Newest Custom Home Builder Business Strategy, Marketing, Sarasota, WordPress & More... Tue, 14 May 2019 17:49:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: David G. Johnson Tue, 14 May 2019 17:49:13 +0000 Hi Bonnie,

I’m sorry to hear that you have some reason(s) to be disappointed with your experience with Rinehart Homes.

That said, please help me understand specifically where there is any “BS” in this article. If you believe there are factual errors, I would like to know specifically what they are. When I produced this article in February, 2014, I personally fact-checked the details, and had every reason to believe they were accurately represented at that time.

It’s important to me that this publication is factual, so I look forward to hearing back from you.


David G. Johnson

By: Bonnie Sat, 20 Apr 2019 11:42:23 +0000 This article is filled with BS. I own one of “Rinehart’s Homes”. He lacks concept, customer service and does not back up his work. What I have had are excuse after excuse. He’s good if you have something ggood too say, but gets defensive if you complain. He used poor quality low end pavers he bought from a less than reputable manufacturer. Just spent $1,200 having the driveway powerwashed and sealed as I am tired of waiting for him to do as promised since August 2018 when I purchased the hhome. He is a low income housing projects developer tryng to play in the big league. Sorry, he does not have what it takes. Make sure you hold back funds at closing, that was my miistake.

By: New Feature: Sarasota Entrepreneur Profiles | EpiphanyDigest Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:44:30 +0000 […] We’re kicking off a brand new feature here today on EpiphanyDigest: Sarasota Entrepreneur Profiles. We’ll be writing up local entrepreneurs who have caught our attention, and tell you why! First up: Steve Rinehart. […]
